Sweat Economy introduces AI assistants to personalize Web3 fitness incentives

Sweat Economy introduces AI assistants to personalize Web3 fitness incentives

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Sweet Economy, a WEB3 platform that includes 20 million mobile users, has announced physical activity in Ethdeenver the launch of its new personal agents working in the application of the sweat portfolio.

The initiative was developed in partnership with Near.ai, near the protocol (close) Artificial Intelligence Unit. This new publishing is widely operated on artificial intelligence through 700,000 inquiries from the distinguished symbol of the sweat and represents a milestone for consumer encryption by providing personal assistance to individual users.

Providing assistance to Amnesty International for millions

With more than 19 million dollars of the distinguished symbol of sweat and 3 million active users per month, Sweat Wallet is the first encryption app for the main consumers to integrate artificial intelligence agents on a large scale. These assistants who work in artificial intelligence will help users to evaluate, trade, motion incentives, and mobility in Web3 Space easily.

“It will make artificial intelligence agents the sweat portfolio smartest in the world’s Consumer Consumer application, which removes the complexity and help users become more healthy and richer,” said Olig Fumnco, co -founder and CEO of Sweat Economy. “Publishing is widely represented by artificial intelligence agents of millions of mobile users of a trillion agent, as artificial intelligence enhances human intelligence and converts how users interact with encryption.”

Unlike the Acting Traditional Chat groups, the Sweat’s Ai agents directly connect to Lear’s Blockchain, allowing personal help in the actual time on the series. The system is designed for continuous promotions, ensuring users receiving the advanced support of artificial intelligence.

Enhancing Web3 experience with artificial intelligence

Sweat Wallet Ai will learn from the individual user behavior, which enhances the Web3 experience by reducing entry barriers and providing movement incentives driven by artificial intelligence. Personal approach aims to enhance and keep sharing, making Web3 smooth like Web2.

After the launch, Sweat Wallet will launch an additional component with four new units operating:

  • Health – Paths and stimulating physical activity.
  • News – Provides coordinated updates on Web3 and Crypto.
  • Distinctive symbol trends – monitoring $ sweat and other symbolic movements.
  • Safety – enhances user protection and transaction safety.

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