Is interest in DePIN deepening?, Next-Gen Telco Infra

Is interest in DePIN deepening?, Next-Gen Telco Infra

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The idea of ​​creating a kind of equalizer for Blockchain for the global communications industry is not new to the new, but despite the idea that feeds the noise generator every few years, it has not been launched in practice. This, though, may be about to change.

Telecom companies around the world face the costs of huge infrastructure because they seek to convert themselves into future digital service providers (DSPS). An increasing numbers of subscribers are now routinely expected and are always asking for a strong, flexible, and wide connection and constant smooth access to high -end broadband services and applications. This puts great pressure on the network resources while increasing the costs of saving the consolidated connection continuously. One of the solutions to this problem may be to adapt growth strategies, network management and use supplementary technology for decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePins).

Carlos Lee, CEO and founder of Uplink, which is a start -up starting company in Portugal and focuses on converting communication through the decentralized Web3 structure, exploring DePins in This blog,, Which was published by Cryptonews, which covers the pros and cons of the Depin approach – there are many two.

The third online repetition lovers, web 3.0 (we currently live in the web 2.0) says it will be more central, and as a result, institutions will control data or applications while users will have much greater control of their data and privacy.

It is claimed that web 3.0 will explain the content using semantic technologies as computers will be able to understand information in ways similar to those in humans.

This will be implemented by artificial intelligence, by making data data readable and also by processing natural language. As a result, applications and search results will be more intelligent and able to understand the user’s needs. The 3.0 web will be greatly connected to users who are able to access data, services and applications on any device, any time and anywhere. Moreover, content creation platforms will be created using open source techniques, to ensure access and transparency.

Supporting everything is the idea (or ideal) that everyone will adhere to the Zero Trust principles, as it should not be trusted by users and devices virtual, even if they are connected to a distinct network, such as LAN for companies, and even if previously verified. In an unreliable environment, protection will reach the edge of the network, which means that, in theory, users, devices and services will be able to interact without asking permission from one salad. This looks up, but the 3.0 web remains a continuous work. There is no global definition of what may be or will be any agreement on the features and accurate functions, with the organization, the ability to expand and the inter -operational operation is just a tip of the massive ice mountain that is expected to inhibit the entire concept under the water line.

DePins has potential but not one solution that suits everyone.

However, something should happen to encourage the growth of the communication network as it is needed. Telcos is the Cement Expenses (CEPEX) and OPEX expenses even while trying to publish new technologies. As an alternative approach, DePin allows organizations, “unconventional” institutions, entities, institutions, and even individuals directly to contribute to providing communication, thus enabling DePin networks to expand organically and flexible without, in theory, the need for huge treatment.

And let us not forget the artificial intelligence, the elephant in the room that has a profound impact on how to build and manage networks. Carlos Lee explains, “While DePin DePin Entorology Preportuction, artificial intelligence converts how networks improve traffic, improve efficiency, and size to meet increasing demand. Applications driven by artificial intelligence network infrastructure to their borders, require a very low transition time and a high frequency range display. Distributed treatment. Traditional networks are not designed for this increase, which prompted the enormous investment in the improved devices of artificial intelligence.

He adds: “It is clear that communication develops with AI as an advanced 5G automation to include to improve traffic and efficiency. Given the future, it is expected that 6G is original of artificial intelligence, which enhances performance and enabling applications in actual time … Artificial intelligence also form communications trends. DePin can play an important role in this transformation by expanding coverage where companies shorten companies. Communications.

DePin can help enable smart cities to become more intelligent and faster while expanding the spread of digital services to the disadvantaged areas and enabling networks to expand quickly in response to changes in demand.

However, as the blog shows, “Despite its capabilities, DePin is not a solution that suits everyone. Communications work in a very organized environment, covering everything from allocating the spectrum to consumer protection laws. Merging DePin into the current frameworks requires accurate coordination with policy makers to ensure compliance while maintaining the benefits of decentralization. And more than that, DePin depends completely on a network distributed from the contract Independent that must ever, routinely, constantly and strongly to performance levels (or the best) of performance and the quality of the service provided by the Telco community, which has already invested huge sums of money in its networks for many years and continues to do so.

The decentralized evangelists, including LEI, stresses that although DePin appears, at first glance, a revolutionary movement to replace traditional communication networks (which, of course, will never do so), it is in fact an evolutionary and complementary movement that expands the scope of services that are formed more quickly.

Critics say, as you expect, the jury in the DePin case will not be able to issue a ruling until there is a lot of evidence to show that what is still an experimental approach and not installed in the decentralized network can actually guarantee the stability and efficiency necessary to provide telecommunications services. If not, it will not be worth taking gambling.

Martin Warwick, Editor, Telecomtv

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