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- Grayscale and Coinshares applied for the circulating investment boxes including Litecoin, Solana and XRP.
- Approval of these traded investment funds will expand the investment options regulating encrypted currency assets.
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GrayScale Investments and Coinshares applied to many cryptocurrencies on the stock exchange, targeting assets including Litecoin, Solana and XRP, where the two companies seek to expand organized investment options.
Grayscale has submitted requests to track the investment funds circulated to both Leticoin and Solana. Litecoin ETF will track the LTC price movements without the need for direct ownership, based on the current Litecoin Trust product.
Grayscale previously submitted a request to transfer GrayScale Solana Trust (GSO) to the immediate Solana ETF box, with the Securities and Exchange Authority decision at the beginning Prescription For January 23.
However, no comments or general action have been issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, indicating the possibility of extending the deadline for the review.
In his latest photo DepositIt seems that the gray gradient addresses previous organizational concerns and provides additional clarity regarding the structure of the European Training Corporation, nursery and compliance procedures.
This step will allow the Securities and Stock Exchange Committee to review the proposal with a more comprehensive framework for evaluation.
Coinshares joined the race through its own files to get The Investment Fund is circulating Letteoin and Xrp etf. The XRP ETF box, as shown in the SEC file, aims to repeat the performance of XRP while simplifying direct nursery challenges.
Likewise, other boxes, including BitWise, Proshares, Wisdomtree, and Rex Shares, have provided deposits for XRP ETFS boxes.
These deposits come in the aftermath of President Trump on Monday and the establishment of the Securities and Stock Exchange Committee supporting the encrypted currencies, with Mark Oida service As a temporary head of the Securities and Exchange Authority.
In light of the new administration, the Securities and Stock Exchange has presented a dedicated platform The encryption workplace To develop an organizational framework for digital assets.
Last year, the Securities and Exchange Commission agreed to the investment funds circulating in Bitcoin and Ethereum, which represents an important step towards integrating the products of the encrypted currency organized in the main markets.
With the position of the new management supporter of encrypted currencies, many expect a more suitable environment to agree to more investment funds, including those proposed by Coinshares and GrayScale.
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