Web2 is failing vertical farms — they need DePIN to survive

Web2 is failing vertical farms — they need DePIN to survive

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Opinion: Yog Shrusti, co -founder and CEO of Farmsent

Foodies, note: if you are in Bahrain, try Machbook, chicken dish (lamb or fish) with rice. Ideally, go to get a place to serve with a fresh and local rosemary (it really highlights flavor!), And while you were in that, you think about this: How does Rosemary grow on an archipelago of arid islands in the first place where anything that represents a challenge grows? The answer is vertical agriculture, and if you are wondering what is the relationship of this to anything encryption, let me tell you: Web3 is what this miracle needs in the industry to the level of its real potential – and perhaps make sure that we can continue as a type.

Vertical agriculture

One can argue that vertical agriculture is also an answer to challenges such as the deterioration of fertile soil, which threatens to leave the planet with only small pockets of agricultural lands by 2050. It can help reduce global hunger, driven in any part of allocated soil erosion, making food more accessible to a million people. It is a simple equation: with less soil and less to wrap, we need something that helps us grow a lot in a narrow space.